Kurdish singer Şivan Perwer apologizes to Yazidis

<p style="text-align: left;">Kurdish singer Şivan Perwer has apologized to Yazidis after his remarks drew criticism.

&ldquo;I talked about how some practices are giving us pain and that how they shouldn&rsquo;t exist among us. If I offended people, I apologize. Yazidis are our dearest and our light,&rdquo; Perwer said on April 29.

Perwer on April 26 deemed the Yazidi practice of not allowing marriage outside community &ldquo;fascism&rdquo; in a speech he made in an event organized by the Mesopotamia Culture Center and the Peoples&rsquo; Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul branch.

&ldquo;Yazidi Kurds can&rsquo;t be saved without Muslim Kurds. Muslim Kurds can&rsquo;t be saved without Yazidi Kurds. Don&rsquo;t be enemy to your own people. The Kurds are protecting you. Turks and Arabs see you as nonbelievers. Kurds have awoken now, they are protecting you,&rdquo; Perwer said in his speech.

Following backlash, Perwer apologized, saying that &ldquo;The pains of Yazidi people are our pains.&rdquo;

He also said that he won&rsquo;t call a community or people believing in certain religion fascists.

&ldquo;I don&rsquo;t have the right to do that. My intentions were not bad, however what I said was not understood correctly. We should know each other&rsquo;s worth,&rdquo; Perwer added.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 107883

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