Twenty-five Kurdish parties and political currents in the north and east of Syria formed a joint organisation called the Kurds' Patriotic Union, First News reported.
The most important parties and movements in the union are the Democratic Union Party (PYD), Star Congress, Kurdistan Democratic Party of Syria (KDP-s), Syria Kurdish Democratic Party (Al-party). Some of these parties are members of the North and East Self-Governance Authority of Syria and some are members of the Syrian Kurds National Council (ENKS).
In a joint statement issued by the parties, the organisation announed its goals and duties, stating that "We are working jointly as parties of the Kurds' National Union to make progress on the issue of the Kurdish Alliance, and for this purpose, a joint committee will be formed which will represent all parties and currents."
The content of the joint statement is as follows:
"Because of the sensitive conditions in Syria and the entire region, we, the political parties of the democratic authority and the number of parties outside the authority, held a meeting in Qamishli on 18.05.2020 to implement the proposal of the General Commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces [Mazuli Kobani] on the Kurdish Alliance and to take a unified political position in Syrian Kurdish region and the following decisions were made:
- We are working jointly as the Kurds' Patriotic Union parties to make developments in the Kurdish Alliance, and a joint committee will be formed to represent [all parties and currents] and serve this purpose.
- We selected a logo for the Kurds' Patriotic Union
- Meetings will be held between representatives of these parties on a regular basis to provide different views on new developments and events
- The political parties that have gathered within the framework of the Kurds' Patriotic Union are:
- Partiya Aştîya Demoqrat a Kurdistanê
- Partiya Yekîtiya Demokratîk (PYD)
- Kongreya Star
- Partiya Demoqrat a Kurdî ya Sûrî (P.D.K.S)
- Partiya Kesk a Kurdistanê
- Partiya Çep a Demokrat a Kurd li Sûrîyê
- Partiya Çep a Kurd li Sûriyê
- Partiya Lîberal a Kurdistanê
- Partiya Biratî ya Kurdistanê (PBK)
- Partiya Niştimanî ya Kurdî li Sûriyê
- Partiya Guhertina Demoqrat a Kurdistanê
- Tevgera Nûjen a Kurdistanê-Sûrîya - Partiya Têkoşîna Demokrat
- Partiya Azadî ya Kurdistanî ya Azad
-Partiya Yekîtiya Niştimanî ya Azad-Rojava
- Partiya Komarî ya Kurdistanî-Sûriya
-Tevgera Çaksazîyê-Sûriya
- Partiya Komunîst a Kurdistanê (KKP)
- Partiya Roj a Demokratîk li Sûriyê
-Şepêla Pêşeroj a Kurdistanê - Partî Demuqratî Kurdistanî-Sûrî
- Yekîtiya Karkerên Kurdistanê (YKK)
- Partiya Kombûna Niştimanî ya Kurdistanî
- Partiya Rêkeftina Demokrat a Kurdî li Sûriyê
- Partiya Demuqrat a Kurd li Sûrî (Partî)
Report's code: 50101
<p style="text-align:left">The Democratic Union Party (PYD) and Syrian Kurds National Council (ENKS) talks to make a Kurdish alliance in Syria led to the declaration of the alliance of 25 parties called the Kurds' Patriotic Union.
News Code 117990
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