Roj peshmerga
US delegation meeting with Syrian Kurdish movements was positive: official
A member of the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) legal office stated that the recent visit of a US official to Syria Kurdistan and meeting with some Kurdish movements in the Kurdish administration was positive and General Mazlum Kobani's remarks about Roj Peshmerga were very positive.
PYKS official calls on PYD to apologize
A member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Union Party in Syria (PYKS) stated that the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) should apologize over its remarks in the process of the Kurdish-Kurdish talks in northern Syria.
Tensions grow between Syrian Kurdish parties over return of Roj Peshmerga
Tensions have increased between various Syrian Kurdish parties after discussions about the possible return of the Rojava (Roj) Peshmerga from the Kurdistan Region to Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava).
Roj Peshmerga return to Syrian Kurdistan is our precondition to sign deal: ENKS leader
The leader of the Syrian Kurdish Patriotic Council (ENKS), Saud Malla, has stated that the council will not sign any agreement with the Kurdish Patriotic Union Parties (PYNK) without the later's agreement with the return of Roj Peshmerga forces to Syrian Kurdistan.