Concerns grow over Turkey’s military operation in Kurdistan Region

<p style="text-align: left;">Several countries are growing increasingly concerned over Turkey&amp;rsquo;s military operations in Kurdistan Region, Ahval News agency quoted Seth J. Frantzman as saying on Sunday.

Turkey began the land and air operation &ldquo;Claw-Tiger&rdquo; on June 17 against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers&rsquo; Party (PKK) and groups Ankara says are affiliated with it.

This intervention has also included air strikes against Yazidi areas of Sinjar and near Christian villages along the border, and Iraq has expressed increasing concern about the attacks - which appear to be coordinated with Iran.

Turkey&rsquo;s military operation in northern in Iraq has also created tensions with Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia, Frantzman said. Saudi Arabia condemned Turkish aggression on Iraqi land and offered support for Baghdad in measures to preserve its sovereignty.

The conflict has also increased tensions in other countries, he said. Pro-Kurdish demonstrators in Vienna were attacked by Turkish nationalists this week.

But, while &ldquo;some U.S. voices have expressed concern, including a tweet by the State Department after three women were killed in a Turkish air strike in Syria, most remain silent,&rdquo; Frantzman said.

Nashville Congressman Jim Cooper tweeted on Saturday that he was extremely disturbed by reports of &ldquo;Turkish military attacks on Kurdish people in Iraq&rdquo;.

I am extremely disturbed by reports of Turkish military attacks on Kurdish people in Iraq. The Kurds have been a reliable U.S. partner in the fight against ISIS, and any violence against civilians by President Erdogan must be condemned.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has also expressed concern and called for an end to the attacks, Frantzman said.

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