We're ready to forgive PYD mistakes for the sake of people: party official

<p style="text-align: left;">We are ready to spare ourselves against the mistakes of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), said the Syrian Kurdish Alliance Party central committee.

Heval Issa, a member of the central committee of the Syrian Kurdistan Alliance Party (P.Y.K.S), stated that the party is ready to forgive the Democratic Union Party (PYD) mistakes against the PYKS for the sake of people and unity among Syrian Kurdish parties.

Referring to the meeting of General Mazloum Kobani and the families of those killed in 2013 protests in the Syrian Kurdish city of Amouda, where protestors were attacked by the Kurdish forces of the People's Protection Units (YPG), Issa told KurdPress that &ldquo;Gen. Kobani&rsquo;s action to unite the Syrian Kurds was right and we support and welcome him in his attempt and any move to resolve problems.&rdquo;

He continued to say that "This is an apology from the people of Amouda was for the sake of the nation and peace, and also the agreement on continuing the dialogue between the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) and the Kurdish Patriotic Unity Parties (PYNK) is necessary to unifying the Kurdish alliance in Syria.

&ldquo;We believe that through political understanding and dialogue, we will be able to solve the problems between us, provided we believe in dialogue,&rdquo; he added.

Heval Issa also explained: "We support the attempt and we need to comfort the families of the survivors and obtain their consent and pay attention to the requests of the families of those who died. We are at a critical point in Syrian history and it is imperative that the Kurdish political forces take the unity issue seriously to leave the critical situation behind.&rdquo;

Also the representative of the Kurdish National Council in Germany, Mr. Issa told KurdPress about the the future of negotiations between the ENKS and the PYNK that &ldquo;The right step has been taken and we, as the Kurdistani Alliance Party, support it and await the start of the new round of talks.

"We hope that with the start of the second round of the talks, important issues such as administrative, military and economic issues will also be resolved so that the real unity will be achieved," he also said.

Heval Issa reiterated: "None of the parties can provide the rights of the Kurdish people in Syria and the rights of the people will be only achieved through unity."

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 128167

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