Turkey steps up pressure on Kurds during Corona era: journal

<p style="text-align: left;">While the whole world has been fighting the coronavirus, Turkey has had the opportunity to put a high pressure on Kurds living in the country, Syria and Iraq, wrote the New Internationalist magazine.

In its latest number, the new International magazine has addressed the Turkish government's confrontation with the Kurds inside the country, northern Syria and northern Iraq.

The report noted that while all countries in the world are fighting the epidemic, Turkey is taking advantage of the opportunity to increase air and ground attacks against Kurds in Syria and Iraq and continues to crack down on Kurdish activists and politicians inside Turkey.

The magazine noted that while Turkey continues its military campaign against the Kurds in Syria, the United Nations has called on all countries to establish a ceasefire everywhere to better fight the pandemic.

Hassan Hasan, a Syrian Kurdish teacher who lives with 150,000 Kurds in Shahba camp, north of Aleppo, told the magazine that the camp has been bombed ceaselessly by Turkey and more than 50 rebel groups affiliated with Ankara. Each day, artillery attacks are carried out in areas occupied in northern Syria, including Afrin, Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ain, toward Shahba.

The new Internationalist Journal summarized the outcome of Turkish attacks on the Kurdish areas in Syria within six months as: displacing 200,000, killing 288 people by bombardments and drone attacks, occupying 600 residential areas, destroying 127 houses, preventing 460,000 people from access to drinking water, 1.8 million people need human aid and the prevention of 8,600 children from education.

The journal believes that Turkey's membership in NATO and the presence of 3.5 million Syrian refugees in the country has tuned into its pressure cards. It also spends millions of dollars annually to strengthen its influence in the United States and gain support from the American government.

The magazine continued "Take a look at the Kurds. The superpowers have always used the Kurds as proxies in wars and later left them alone at a time when they needed help. The US and Russian green light for the Turkish-led invasion of Turkey against the Syrian Kurds showed the Kurds that betraying Kurds has always been repeated throughout history.

The New Internationalist Journal has pointed to the suppression, dismissal and detention of representatives and mayors affiliated with the Peoples&rsquo; Democratic Party (HDP). The Turkish government's crackdown on the Kurds is growing and getting worse daily, said Aisha Gucan, a political activist and former mayor of the HDP. She warned that Turkey is following a goal; Creating constant fear in Turkey Kurdish areas.

The journal warned that Turkey might once again launch another heavy military offensive against Syrian Kurds. The entire world is working to combat the Coronavirus, with Syrian Kurds receiving the least help in dealing with the pandemic.

The New Internationalist has recommended the international community to protect Kurds from Turkish attacks by recognizing the Kurdish self-ruling system in northern Syria.

But the problem is that there is no will to do that, the journal said.

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News Code 128171

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