Turkey shells areas in Kurdistan Region

<p style="text-align: left;">Turkish artilleries began shelling late Monday targets of the Kurdistan Workers&amp;rsquo; Party (PKK) in Kurdistan Region&amp;rsquo;s Erbil province, near the border with Turkey, Kurdistan 24 reported.

No casualties were reported, but the shelling set fires to forests and lands belonging to villagers, Kurdistan 24 said.

Last month, Turkey launched Operation Claw-Tiger targeting the PKK in northern Iraq, where the party&rsquo;s headquarters is located.

&ldquo;Due to the danger of the area [being targeted by warring parties], no one can go and extinguish the fire,&rdquo; Ihsan Chalabi, the mayor of Iraq&acute;s Sidakan town, told Kurdistan 24.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 128243

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