KRG adds Kurdish language to driver licenses

<p style="text-align: left;">The Kurdistan Regional Government&amp;rsquo;s (KRG) Ministry of Interior said on Sunday, July 26, that it has decided to change the design of driver&amp;rsquo;s licenses and annual vehicle registrations issued in the Region to include Kurdish-language text.

Currently the documents are in Arabic.

The ministry also announced in a separate, but related, statement that it was issuing a new set of guidelines about the importation of vehicles, bringing the authority to grant import licenses under the joint supervision of the ministries of interior and finance.

&ldquo;Imported vehicles should have two airbags and two anti-lock braking systems. Errors in manifest will be resolved by the customs directorate,&rdquo; the statement said.

Additionally, eclectic and hydrogen powered vehicles will be registered in the same class as four-cylinder automobiles, NRT reported.

Authorization to import armored cars will also be subject to approval by the interior ministry.

To qualify as a classic automobile, the vehicle in question should be at least than 40-years-old, the statement said.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 128272

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