Three killed in armed attack in Khanaqin

<p style="text-align:left">Three Iraqi citizens were killed and one was abducted after unknown gunmen attacked two trucks in the Khanaqin area of ​​Diyala province in northern Iraq.

Citing security sources in the Khanaqin area of ​​ Diyala province, the NRt TV channel reported last night that unidentified gunmen attacked two trucks in the village of Mirmikael, west of Khanaqin.
According to the report the gunmen reportedly abducted four passenger of the two vehicles and then set fire to the trucks. It has also been reported that three of the abductees were killed by the assailants and the fate of the fourth is unknown.
Two of the dead were Kurds and another was an Arab. The attack occurred near an Iraqi army base in the area, and army forces fired at the attackers, but they managed to escape.
Talks are continuing between the Ministry of Peshmerga of the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi army for joint security and military cooperation to secure the disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad, including Khanaqin, but no final agreement has yet been reached between the two sides. No action has been taken to ensure the security of these areas, yet.
Reporter's code: 50101

News Code 128424

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