Turkey increasing its pressure on Kurds, official tells KurdPress

<p style="text-align: left;">Whenever political progress is made in Syrian Kurdistan, Turkey increases its pressure on the Kurds in Turkey, Iraq and Syria, said a founder of the democratic self-government in the Kobani canton, in Syria Kurdistan.

In an interview with KurdPress, Barivan Hassan, a member of the leadership committee of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its co-chairman in the Euphrates region, said: "Today, Turkey has experienced a hard battle in Haftanin (one of the mountainous regions of Iraqi Kurdistan) and suffered a severe blow.

She continued: "Whenever political progress is made in Syrian Kurdistan, Turkey increases its pressure on the Kurds in Turkey, Iraq and Syria."

She further added: "Turkey, especially after the issue of unity among the Kurdish currents in Syria, has resorted to regional and global threats and pressure against the Kurds."

The co-chair of the Democratic Union Party in the Euphrates region stated: "Turkey's goal is clear. Turkey wants the Kurds to be vulnerable and will use every means possible to destroy them."

"Every time the Kurds achieve something, Turkey uses any policy of pressure and repression to destroy that achievement," she said.

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