According to NRT the KRG electricity minister also said in a press release that it would summon the companies to prepare for tenders.
The three projects will include the production of 25 megawatts in each Erbil and Sulaimani governorates and 25 in Garmian administration, according to the head of the Electricity Production General Directorate Daban Baban.
“This is an important step of the ministry to depend upon solar energy that is important in economic filed and to reduce the fuel costs. Additionally, producing electricity by solar energy is a friendly-environment project and will cause protection of nature,” Banan added.
Electricity provision is a persistent problem in the Kurdistan Region, where blackouts are a common occurrence. During periods of greatest demand during winter and summer, the issue is most acute.
Despite repeated government promises, many people still rely on private generators to fill in the daily gaps when government provided electricity fails.
Reporter's code: 50101

<p style="text-align:left">The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) electricity ministry said on Saturday, September 12, that two solar power plants would be built in Erbil and Sulaimani governorates and another in Garmian administration.
News Code 128511
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