Barham Salih congratulated Nujaifi on his election as head of Iraqi Front

<p style="text-align: left;">Iraqi President Barham Salih called Osama Nujaifi, the former speaker of the Iraqi parliament, and congratulated him on his election as head of the Iraqi Front Coalition.

According to Euphrates News, Najifi's office issued a statement saying: "In this telephone call, Barham Salih emphasized Nujaifi&rsquo;s ability and competence in actively participating in solving Iraq's problems based on national values.

According to the statement, Salih reiterated his desire to meet with Nujaifi after his return to Baghdad.

A statement from Nujaifi's office added: "In this phone call, he also thanked the president for his call and congratulations."

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 148640

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