PUK announces nominee for Iraqi presidency

<p style="text-align:left">The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) has officially announced its nominee for Iraq&amp;rsquo;s presidency, a position which is traditionally assumed by a Kurd national.

&ldquo;Mohamed Saber Ismail was officially nominated by the central council of the PUK for the position of Iraqi president,&rdquo; Dijlah TV quoted MP Ezzat Saber as saying.
Ezzat, in his remarks, wished &ldquo;all success for Ismail in his presidential bid&rdquo;, shedding light on the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan&rsquo;s 50-year struggle for the Kurds and Kurdistan region, Iraqi News reported.
Ismail holds a PhD in nuclear physics and had previously held several positions.
Under the constitution, Iraq&rsquo;s president is elected by the parliament by a two-thirds majority and is limited to two four-year terms.
The speaker of the Iraqi parliament should be a Sunni Arab, the prime minister a Shiite, and the president a Kurd. The current president is Fuad Masum, a member of the PUK.
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