Parliament ordered the recount in June after widespread allegations of fraud cast doubt on the integrity of the ballot.
The IHEC said the results of the recount matched the initial results from 13 of Iraq’s 18 provinces, according to Reuters.
The winning parties are still embroiled in negotiations over forming the next governing coalition three months after the vote, with no sign of an imminent conclusion.
The recount did not alter the initial results significantly, with Sadr keeping his tally of 54 seats.
Anger is mounting with frequent protests, backed by Iraq’s top Shi’ite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, taking place in the Shi’ite southern provinces.
Sadr, who also backs the protests, has issued a list of 40 conditions he says the new prime minister has to meet, including being politically independent and not running for re-election, for his bloc to join a governing coalition and that he would go into opposition if the conditions were not met.
Reporter's code: 50101

<p style="text-align:left">Limited change has occured to the numbers of seats in Iraqi parliament election held on May 12 a Iraq&rsquo;s Independent High Election Commission (IHEC) released the results of the recount on its website early on Friday, August 10.
News Code 14906
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