Mazlum Kobani denounces Peshmerga attack on PKK in Amedi

<p dir="LTR" style="text-align: justify;">In a tweet on Tuesday, December 15, Commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Mazlum Abdi (Known as Mazlum Kobani) appeared to blame Peshmerga affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) for a clash with Kurdistan Workers&amp;rsquo; Party (PKK) fighters in Duhok governorate&amp;rsquo;s Amedi district on Sunday.

Kobani said that the incident was &ldquo;a place of shame that will defeat the achievements of the Kurdish cause.&rdquo;

&ldquo;I call for an end to the attacks and for resolving issues through dialogue,&rdquo; he added.

On Sunday, one fighter from the armed wing of the PKK, the People&rsquo;s Defense Forces (HPG), was killed and two other fighters were injured in an exchange of fire with Peshmerga unit when their vehicle approached a checkpoint. A member of the Roj Peshmerga affiliated with the KDP Zeravani forces was also killed.

On Monday, December 14, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister and senior KDP official Masrour Barzani strongly condemned &ldquo;the PKK attack on Peshmerga forces&rdquo; saying that the group&rsquo;s behavior &ldquo;threatens regional stability.&rdquo;

In recent months, tensions have mounted between the PKK and the KDP, which the dominant political party in Duhok and Erbil governorates, and has close political and economic ties with the Turkish government, against which the PKK has fought a decades-long insurgency.

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