The pro-Kurdish Green Left Party in Turkey is set to undergo substantial transformations that include a change in its name and a significant shift in leadership, the party’s spokesperson said on Saturday.
In a press conference held at the HDP (People's Democratic Party) headquarters, the Green Left’s sister party, Ebru Gunay unveiled significant plans for their upcoming congress scheduled for October 15.
Gunay began by emphasizing the critical importance of this congress within the party's history, noting that past congresses have played vital roles in shaping the political landscape of Turkey.
She acknowledged the challenges facing the party and the nation, particularly in light of the controversial and contested results of the recent elections, which the ruling party has used to justify further authoritarian measures.
"The people are suffocating under the weight of hunger and poverty," Gunay said. "A vast majority of the population is demanding change, rejecting the imposed way of life. Yet, the opposition forces, as seen in the recent elections, have not provided an alternative to the AKP-MHP regime. Instead, they engage in divisive and freedom-restricting tactics, ignoring the people's demands."
In this crucial moment in history, the Green Left Party has taken on the responsibility of fulfilling the demand for change and breathing new life into the political landscape.
"This congress marks a new beginning for us. It is a congress where our people will have a more active role in politics, shaping the mechanisms of participation," Gunay said.
She emphasized that this congress is not just about change but also about recommitting to freedom.
Regarding the practical changes, Gunay explained that the congress will determine the roadmap for the new era, including the construction of a democratic republic and the party's democratic politics and Third Way perspective. The congress will also include amendments to the party's bylaws, a change in its name, and significant shifts in leadership.
Gunay concluded by revealing that preparations for the congress are ongoing, with the acceptance of applications for those who wish to participate in the leadership positions. Over 600 guests from both domestic and international backgrounds have been invited to the congress, reflecting the party's aspiration for an inclusive and internationalist gathering.
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