During the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, Lavrov said that “practical steps” are not possible currently due to Hamas-Israel war, North Press News Agency reported.
The Russian minister reiterated that Russia has been working on promoting the normalization of relations between Syria and Turkey.
The United States’ strikes on some militias’ sites in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, are a diversion from this process, according to Lavrov.
Late in December 2022, a trilateral meeting took place between defense ministers of Turkey, Syria and Russia in Moscow, marking the first meeting between Syria and Turkey since start of the Syrian war in 2011.
Syria and Turkey have been foes for over 11 years, after Ankara started backing the Syrian opposition and its armed factions that have attempted to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, said on Saturday that any real moves to improve relations between Syria and Turkey are now difficult due to the ongoing war on Gaza.
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