69 Nobel laureates urge Turkey to Rlresolve Kurdish issue and free Abdullah Ocalan

A report by Michael Welker in the Austrian newspaper Standard revealed that 69 Nobel laureates have sent an open letter to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, calling for a resolution to the Kurdish issue and the release of imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan.

The letter, signed by prominent Nobel laureates, urges Erdogan to return to the peace process with the Kurds, release Ocalan from prison, and enter into negotiations with him to address the Kurdish question in Turkey. 

The laureates express their concern over the conditions in Turkish prisons, particularly the place where Ocalan is being held, and accuse the Turkish government of torturing prisoners. 

They also highlight that Turkey, as a member of the Council of Europe, is violating its laws.

News Code 159666

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