Speaking during his weekly press conference, Abadi said the interference of any political parties in the state’s institutions “is unacceptable”.
“We are to accelerate the steps to form a government in accordance with the constitutional timeline,” Abadi added.
According to NRT Iraqi parliament began accepting nominations for the post of President on Monday and announced that the president would be elected no later than October 2.
A self-described 'independent' Kurdish politician and former parliamentarian, Sardar Abdullah, announced his candidacy for President of Iraq on Monday, saying “my ambition to be a candidate for that post has nothing to do with any political party, since I quit party work a long time ago.
The new president will then appoint a prime minister from the largest bloc in the legislature.
A new speaker of parliament was elected on Saturday, setting the stage for a new president to be chosen.
Reporter’s code: 50101
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