Iraqi official denies giving guarantee to Kurds over Kirkuk

<p style="text-align: left;">A leader of the State of Law and Fath Coalition denied reports that the coalition has given guarantee to Kurds over Kirkuk in return for taking part in the new Iraq government.

Adnan Hadi Asadi stated that the issue of Kirkuk is an Iraqi question and the stance of the coalition over Iraq integrity and the unity of its people is quiet clear and all should gather under the umbrella of nationality.

He underscored that all reports over the fate of Kirkuk and giving guarantee to Kurds in return for the participation of the Kurds in the new Iraqi government and joining the coalition is far from being true and no guarantee has been given to the Kurds over Kirkuk and no deal has been made in this regard.

Assadi further added that the coalition has talked with all political sides and blocs and is following a national policy.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 25074

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