Iran closes borders with Kurdistan region on Sunday

<p style="text-align:left">All the Iranian border crossings with Kurdistan Region will be closed on Sunday September 30, security director general of Iran&amp;rsquo;s Kurdistan Province said on Saturday.

&ldquo;The action is taken under the domestic regulations of the Iraqi Kurdistan for elections and affects all the Iranian borders with this region,&rdquo; said Reza Mirzaei in an interview with the IRNA.
&ldquo;Perishable food and fuel can be excluded with the permission of border officials during the 24-hour shut period,&rdquo; he added.
The borders will be reopened again on Monday.
Iran has border terminals with Iraqi Kurdistan region (KRG) including Bashmagh and Siranband crossings in Kurdistan Province and Parvizkhan crossings in Kermanshah Province.
Reporter's code: 50101

News Code 25077

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