Iraq against US sanctions on Iran: Maliki

<p style="text-align:left">Former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki expressed his country&amp;rsquo;s opposition to the US&amp;rsquo; sanctions against Iran.

In a meeting with US Ambassador in Baghdad Douglas Silliman on Tuesday, Maliki reiterated the significance of supporting Iraqi future government, saying that Iraq is trying to have best relations with countries across the globe.
During the meeting, both officials discussed future of Iraq-US ties as well as ways to strengthen them, IRNA reported.
Al-Maliki further noted that regional stability starts from that of Iraq.
&ldquo;Iraq is seeking to forge best ties with all countries, as it rejects policy of polarization,&rdquo; he said.
Iraq is opposed to sanctions against Iran and other countries, he said, noting that the sanctions will first harm the people from all walks of life.
The Iraqi official has on several occasions expressed opposition to anti-Iran sanctions, describing them as in flagrant breach of international regulations.
Earlier, he asked the Iraqi government to remain impartial with regards to the sanctions and not implement them.
Reporter's code: 50101

News Code 25168

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