Plots against Iran-Iraq ties to go nowhere: Shamkhani

<p style="text-align:left">Repeated plots by the US and some regional governments to disrupt friendly ties between Iran and Iraq will go nowhere, Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran&amp;rsquo;s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), said in a meeting with visiting Iraqi President Barham Salih on Saturday in Tehran.

The new political and governing conditions of Iraq have created new chances for deepening relations between the two friendly and neighboring countries, Shamkani added.
The Iranian top official also hailed efforts by the Iraqi Army and security forces, particularly those by al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces), and said, 'Today the countries that are not satisfied with destruction of terrorism in Iraq aim to undermine the country's solidarity and unity.'
Now that the US has failed to use terrorism as a tool for destroying the broad capacities of the regional countries, Washington is seeking to use sanctions and imposition of direct pressure against independent countries, Shamkhani said.
Barham Salih, for his part, hailed Iran&rsquo;s continued support for Iraq in the fight against terrorism.
He stated Iraq is sensitive about counter-security and destructive measures followed by some countries to create insecurity and instability in Iraq, and will fight with any efforts to hamper the unity of the two countries.
The Iraqi president said Baghdad would not let any country or group use Iraq for damaging the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Reporter's code: 50101

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