90 Iranian companies participate in Sulaimani exhibition

<p style="text-align: left;">the international exhibition in Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, started with the extensive participation of Iranian companies in spite of the American efforts to impede the economic exchanges of the region with Iran.

The exhibition, which runs annually in Sulaimani accounts for more than 50 percent of the participant companies from Iran.

180 local and foreign companies are present at the 13th International Exhibition in Sulaimani, IRNA reported on Saturday.

&ldquo;The Iranians have an active presence in the exhibition since 2006 and are adding up to their number every year,&rdquo; chairman of Sulaimani Chamber of Commerce Sirwan Muhammed said addressing the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

The exhibition gives companies an opportunity to communicate directly to consumers in Iraqi Kurdistan, he added.

Sulaimani&rsquo;s exhibition will continue to operate for six days.

Apart from Iran, where 90 Iranian companies are present, companies from China, Turkey, India, the UAE and some other countries are exposing their products to public view along with a number of domestic companies.

According to the Kurdistan Region authorities, the volume of Iran's exchanges with the Kurdistan Region hit 6.8 million.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 25365

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