Turkey to attack northern Syria in days: Erdogan

<p style="text-align: left;">Turkey&amp;rsquo;s president says it will begin a new military operation against a US-backed Kurdish group in northern Syria &amp;ldquo;within a few days.&amp;rdquo;

Addressing a defense industry meeting in Ankara on Wednesday, December 12, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the target of the operation would be the Syrian Kurdish militia known as the People&rsquo;s Protection Units (YPG), according to the Associated Press.

The YPG is the main component of a Kurdish-led group that rolled back the Islamic State group with the help of the US-led coalition. US troops are deployed with the Kurdish fighters in northeastern Syria, in part to prevent clashes with Turkey.

Turkish forces have already waged two cross-border campaigns against Syrian Kurdish forces, in 2016 and earlier this year.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 35446

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