SDF council visits Paris to demand no-fly zone

<p style="text-align: left;">Representatives of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Council arrived in France on Friday, December 21, to petition its ally in Paris to establish a no-fly zone in northern Syria.

The countries who are participating in Operation Inherent Resolve, other than the United States, should continue to fight the Islamic State (IS) in Syria, Co-chair of SDF Council Eilham Ahmad said in a statement.

According to the statement she said: &ldquo;we have called on France to continue their attempts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis and pressure Turkey to end its threat against Rojava (Syria Kurdistan). There is the danger that IS remerges and takes the control of the situation because of Turkish threats.&rdquo;

Regarding the deployment of Peshmerga forces from the Kurdistan Region to Rojava&rsquo;s border with Turkey, she said that was not an appropriate solution because Turkey is against Kurdish forces of any kind and is likely to see it as a provocation.

Co-chair of the SDF Council Riaz Drar said the US withdrawal will have an impact and all parties should rethink their strategy to ensure IS&rsquo; defeat.

&ldquo;We have asked the countries to fulfill their commitments,&rdquo; he added.

France expressed its support of the SDF after US announcement that it would withdraw its troops and has urged the US to reverse its decision to withdraw.

Meanwhile, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that Turkey would postpone a military operation against Syrian Kurdish fighters in northeast Syria as he &ldquo;cautiously&rdquo; welcomed Washington&rsquo;s decision to withdraw its troops in the area, according to Reuters.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 35491

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