11 January 2019 - 23:51
Turkey vows to attack Syrian Kurds

<p style="text-align: left;">Turkey&amp;rsquo;s defense minister on Friday, January 11, pledged to wage a campaign against US-backed Syrian Kurdish fighters, sharpening focus on a potential conflict the United States has sought to prevent.

The comments from Hulusi Akar, on an unannounced visit to inspect troops stationed near the Syrian border directly opposite territory held by the US-backed Kurdish People&rsquo;s Protection Units (YPG), appeared to be aimed at both Washington and its Kurdish allies, according to Reuters.

Turkey and the United States are deeply divided over the implementation of President Donald Trump&rsquo;s plan to bring home about 2,000 troops stationed in Syria. The plan hinges on Turkish cooperation to secure a swathe of northeast Syria as the United States departs.

While the pull-out has been clouded by mixed messages from both Trump and his administration, on Friday the US-led coalition against Islamic State began the process of withdrawing, a spokesman said.

Trump&rsquo;s national security adviser, John Bolton, this week tried to make the case for guarantees that Turkey would not harm the YPG after the withdrawal. That earned a stiff rebuke from President Tayyip Erdogan.

&ldquo;When the time and place comes the terrorists here will be buried in the ditches they have dug, as was done in previous operations,&rdquo; Akar said in a speech to military personnel at a brigade command center in the province of Sanliurfa, referring to two other cross-border campaigns that Turkey has carried out in Syria.

&ldquo;Before us we have Manbij on one side and the east of the Euphrates on the other,&rdquo; Akar said, underscoring the scale of a potential operation. &ldquo;Important preparations and planning have been made in connection with this. Our preparations are continuing intensively.&rdquo;

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 35630

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