Officials from the Federal Government under Angela Merkel’s leadership responded to inquiries submitted by MPs on various topics in today’s session in Germany’s Federal Parliament. Die Linke MP Heike Hänsel spoke about the Turkish state threats against Rojava Kurdistan and northern Syria in the same session.
Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Michael Roth responded to Hänsel’s inquiry, “Will the Federal Goverment take political initiative in the UN to prevent the attack Turkey wants to carry out in northern Syria, which will constitute a new violation of international law?”
Roth said the government is strictly against a new military campaign by the Turkish army against northern Syria and added that they are in close contact with the Ankara government and other partners to this end. The German government official said, “Turkey can be present in Syria only to help civilians and for humanitarian aid.”
Die Linke MP Heike Hänsel found Roth’s response to be lacking and took the stand once again to point out that Germany is a member of the UN Security Council for two years and continued to ask: “Do you think the occupation in Afrin is against international law?”
Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Michael Roth avoided a direct answer and mentioned the Berlin government’s comments that they “are against a military operation” while the Turkish state was launching the Afrin attacks. Roth didn’t answer the question, “If you are against a new attack, why don’t you stop the arms sales to Turkey?”
Reporter's code: 50101

<p style="text-align:left">Germany Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Michael Roth stated the country is working to prevent a Turkish state attack against northern Syria, ANF reported.
News Code 35659
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