The KDP had visited Sulaimani to meet with the PUK, Change Movement (Gorran), and other parties over the past few months, KDP Politburo member Rozh Nuri Shaways told party-affiliated media outlets.
“It is time for them to visit the KDP in Erbil,” Shaways said.
Regarding formation of a new government, he said that the KDP was determined to seat the new cabinet, but did not set a timetable for doing so.
“It will depend on the rounds of talks” with other political parties, he added.
“Any party participating in the government should abide by the KRG’s programs.”
Talks between the KDP and the PUK broke down after the latter boycotted a session of parliament on February 18, during which a speaker and two deputy speakers were elected.
The PUK later announced that negotiations had entered a new phase and that the party would adopt a “different stance” with regard to its position on the Kurdistan Region’s presidency in talks with the KDP.
Reporter’s code: 50101
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