Nechirvan Barzani, Iraqi parliament speaker discuss Iraqi political developments, Mosul

<p style="text-align: left;">Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani met with Speaker of the Council of Representatives Mohammed al-Halbusi on Tuesday, April 23, when they discussed the political situation in Iraq and the latest developments in Mosul, the KRG said in a statement.

Barzani and Halbusi stressed that it was important for institutions in Baghdad and Erbil to work together to rebuild areas destroyed in the fight against Islamic State (IS).

&ldquo;Both sides discussed the situation of Iraqi displaced people in camps in the Kurdistan Region,&rdquo; the statement read.

They also emphasized the &ldquo;importance of assistance from the Iraqi government and the international community to helping displaced people return to their places of origin.&rdquo;

According to NRT the statement added Erbil and Baghdad continue to talk in an effort to resolve the issues between them, several of which were discussed during the meeting between Halbusi and Barzani.

Halbusi arrived in the Kurdistan Region through Erbil International Airport on Monday. He was received by Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Vala Farid.

Second Deputy Speaker Muna Qahwachi told NRT Digital Media that the visit was part of an effort to normalize relations between Erbil and Baghdad.

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News Code 36174

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