There are some 30 consulates in Erbil, including that of Japan which has dedicated a large amount of financial support to the region for completing its separate projects.
Katsumi Moriasu told Kurdpress that the ties between Japan and Kurdistan Region are at the best level, reiterating that the ties should increase.
He stated the two governments are eager to have closer bilateral ties, mentioning to remaks by Japan Foreign minister Taro Kunu in the 10 June ceremony in Erbil which announced Nechirvan Barzani as the new Kurdistan Region President.
Japan can never have military ties with the region as the east Asian country' post- wwII constitution prevents it from having any military cooperation with foreign states.
He refused to make any remarks on Japan approach towards the Kurdish issue and Iraqi Kurds efforts in achieving independence, considering an internal Iraqi issue and related to Iraqi people.
Japan is a Kurdistan Region social and economic supporter and has therefore delivered some 945 million dollars, as loan, to Erbil since 2007 for fulfilling different projects, the consul added.
Moriasu also stated Tokyo has invited some 1200 Kurdistan Region clerks and managers to Japan in order to recieve necessary trainings and skills in different fields.

<p style="text-align:left">Japan consul general stated his country has financially aided the autonomous region of Kurdistan about some 1 billion dollars and called the level of the ties between Tokyo and Erbil as greate, stressing that Japan cannot cooperate with the region militarily.
News Code 36480
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