Iraqi PM bans political activity by armed factions

<p style="text-align:left">Iraq&amp;rsquo;s prime minister on Monday issued a decision to close all headquarters of Hashd al-Shaabi, a Shia paramilitary force that works in tandem with the Iraqi army, as well as the disengagement of armed factions from political action.

Adil Abdul-Mahdi&rsquo;s decision also included the requirement to change the titles of Hashd al-Shaabi-affiliated armed factions which wish to join Iraq&rsquo;s armed forces to regular military ones (brigade, brigade, regiment) and to disengage any link between those factions with political activity.
Any armed faction operating in secret or in public, outside the framework of such instructions, Abdul-Mahdi&rsquo;s decree added, will be considered "outside the law" and subject to prosecution.
The decision also included Al-Hashd al-Ashaeri factions (pro-government Sunni armed factions) as well as any other Iraqi armed factions.
Established in 2014 for the express purpose of fighting the terrorist group Daesh, Hashd al-Shaabi was formally incorporated into the Iraqi army in 2017.
Reporter's code: 5010

News Code 36514

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