Iran welcomes French efforts to save nuclear deal

<p style="text-align:left">Iran welcomes France&amp;rsquo;s efforts to save the 2015 nuclear deal, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Wednesday, July 10, as French President Emmanuel Macron&amp;rsquo;s top diplomatic adviser visited Tehran for talks to help ease the crisis.

Iran threatened on Monday to restart deactivated centrifuges and ramp up enrichment of uranium to 20% purity in a move away from the nuclear accord.
Tehran has been pushing the European signatories to the accord to protect Iran from US sanctions, which Washington re-imposed after leaving the pact last year.
IRNA reported that Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi &ldquo;welcomed France&rsquo;s role in reducing tension and implementing the accord.&rdquo;
&ldquo;The French are part of efforts ... to keep the nuclear deal alive,&rdquo; Mousavi was quoted as saying during the visit by Emmanuel Bonne, Macron&rsquo;s top diplomatic adviser.
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