Syrian Kurds have no problem if Damascus fights Turkey: official

<p style="text-align:left">Syria's Kurds said on Monday they have "no problem" if Damascus intervenes on their side to help push back an assault by Turkey in the Kurdish town of Afrin in northern Syria, Arab News reported.

Ankara has been waging an offensive against Syria's Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) militia in the frontier region since January 20.

"We don't have a problem with the entry of the Syrian army to defend Afrin and its border in the face of the Turkish occupation," YPG commander Sipan Hamo said at a press conference.

Kurdish authorities called in late January for Damascus to intervene by sending its forces on the border with Turkey.

Damascus has denounced the "aggression" by Ankara but did not react to the appeal as the Kurds rejected allowing the regime to redeploy troops in the region and reestablish state control.

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