Canada could end military aids to Kurdistan Region

<p style="text-align: left;">A Canadian official has stated that the fate country&amp;rsquo;s military aids to Kurdistan Region is unknown as after three months after the fate of the Islamic State (IS) and the independence referendum of the region, the aids is still halted.

Canada stated three months ago that it has halted its military aids to the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga.

A Canadian Defense Ministry official has told Wais news website that Canada does not have any plans for resuming its military aids for the region.

It seems that Canada aids, worth 10 million dollars, are not going arrive into the region. Canada had promised to send the aids to years ago, but Kurdistan Region Deputy Representative to U.S., Niaz Barzani, has told the website that the region does not know when Canada would send the arms to Kurdistan.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 3964

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