23 March 2018 - 18:12
PKK withdrawing from Shingal

<p style="text-align:left">The Kurdistan Worker&amp;rsquo;s Party (PKK) is withdrawing from Shingal, in the north of Iraq, the Firat news agency cited a statement by the KCK umbrella group as saying.

The statement on Friday came after Turkey threatened military action there.

&ldquo;Guerrilla forces intervened in Sinjar in order to rescue the Yazidis from genocide. With the confidence of reaching this goal, guerrillas are withdrawing from Shingal,&rdquo; KCK said in a statement on Friday, the Firat news agency reported.

KCK is an umbrella group that includes the PKK (Kurdistan Workers&rsquo; Party), PYD (Democratic Union Party), PJAK (Kurdistan Free Life Party), and PCDK (Kurdistan Democratic Solution Party).

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