Great amount of Erbil-Baghdad issues resolved: Parliament Speaker

<p style="text-align: left;">A great amount of outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad have been resolved, Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri said on Thursday, April 5.

&ldquo;We will visit the region [Kurdistan Region] in the next few days,&rdquo; said Jabouri in an interview with Egyptian daily newspaper Youm7.

Relations between Erbil and Baghdad hit their lowest point in the aftermath of the referendum held by the Kurdistan Region, which saw 92.7 percent of voters say &ldquo;yes&rdquo; to independence.

&ldquo;The region believes in the need for involvement in the unity of Iraq and we do not deny the aspirations of the region to live well and the interests of the people of Kurdistan, who deserve all the best,&rdquo; added Jabouri.

When asked by Youm7 whether Baghdad has already began dialogue with Turkey over Ankara&rsquo;s military operations on Iraq soil, Jabouri said: &ldquo;Iraq is keen on its sovereignty.&rdquo;

Jabouri said in a recent visit to Ankara he met Turkish officials and discussed issues related to the Kurdistan Workers&rsquo; Party (PKK). &ldquo;There is need for coordination to remove its [PKK] negative effects.&rdquo;

Iraqi President Fuad Masum said on Thursday that relations between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region are now &ldquo;normal.&rdquo;

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

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