Rouhani, Erdogan discuss expanding ties

<p style="text-align:left">Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan disuss expanding ties between the two states.

The presidents reiterated at the meeting on Friday that expansion of Tehran-Ankara ties will strengthen the security and stability of the region.
The Iranian president underlined the need for both countries to promote their cooperation in transportation and other fields of interest particularly in defending the rights of the oppressed Palestinian nation, IRNA reported.
Rouhani, who was in Istanbul to take part in an OIC extraordinary meeting on Palestine, said that promotion of consultations and ties between Tehran and Ankara would benefit both nations.
Iran and Turkey have always stood, and will always stand, by each other under various conditions, Rouhani said.
Erdogan, for his part, lauded Iran's effective participation in the OIC extraordinary meeting, and said officials of both countries have taken positive steps towards broadening mutual relations.
Describing Iran-Turkey consultations on regional issues and their efforts to strengthen security and stability in the region as 'important', Erdogan said many measures taken by the US administration such as its unilateral pullout from the JCPOA and relocation of embassy from Tel Aviv to Quds are not legitimate or acceptable to other countries of the world. 'If we resist these acts we will get positive results,' he added.
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