Ireland's Sinn Féin blames Turkish oppression against Kurds

<p style="text-align:left">An Irish parliament deputy from Sinn F&amp;eacute;in party has condemned the ongoing oppression of pro-Kurdish and other opposition forces in Turkey, that party's website reported.

&ldquo;Sinn F&eacute;in strongly condemn the treatment of political prisoners facing overcrowding, ill-treatment and torture," MP Paul Maskey stated.
He added that of particular concern is the attempted oppression of the HDP and their democratically elected MPs, continung to note that the actions of the Turkish state are unequivocally anti-democratic and unjust.
Last week, Sinn Fein MPs demonstrated outside 10 Downing street against President Erdogan and to reiterate our support for those struggling for human rights, justice and democracy.
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