Russia talking with Turkey on possible Su35 fighter jet sale: Official

<p style="text-align: left;">Russia and Turkey are holding talks about the possible sale of Russian-made Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets to Turkey, but it is too early to talk about a concrete deal, RIA news agency cited a senior Russian official as saying on September 27.

A Russian Su-35 fighter jet was in Istanbul during the September 17-22 week, where it took part in the Teknofest Istanbul Aerospace and Technology Festival. According to Russian media, the fighter jet made its way to Turkey independently, landing at the closed Atat&uuml;rk Aiport, where the airshow was held.

In August, after a visit to an air show in Russia, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed that Turkey may opt to buy a Russian fighter for its air force in place of the F-35.

On August 27, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov told reporters that Turkey shows a genuine interest in Russian military equipment, namely, Su-35 fighter jets.

&ldquo;We have shown all our equipment at face value, the choice is theirs, they have shown a genuine interest,&rdquo; he said in response to a question on whether Turkey is interested in Russian military equipment.

Turkey has been at odds with the United States over its purchase of Russian S-400 missile systems, which Washington says are not compatible with NATO defenses and poses a threat to Lockheed Martin&rsquo;s F-35 &lsquo;stealth&rsquo; fighter jets.

The United States has also expelled Turkey from the F-35 program.

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