“Iran and Russia’s presence in Syria will continue to protect the country against terrorist groups and America’s aggression,” said Ali Akbar Velayati in a conference in Moscow on Friday, July 13.
“We will immediately leave if Iraqi and Syrian governments want it, not because of Israel and America’s pressure.”
According to Reuters he added Iran coordinates positions on its military presence in Syrian with Moscow and Damascus.
Velayati met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Thursday. The top adviser to the Iranian supreme leader said his meeting with Putin had been “very constructive and friendly” and that Moscow would invest in the Iranian oil sector.
“Putin underlined the importance of political and defense cooperation between Iran and Russia in Syria. Soon the presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey will attend a summit in Tehran,” said Velayati.
Reporter's code:50101

<p style="text-align:left">Iran will immediately withdraw its &ldquo;military advisers&rdquo; from Syria and Iraq if their governments want it to, top aide to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said.
News Code 4859
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