Syrian Kurdish delegation meets Russian officials in Hammim

<p style="text-align:left">According to information obtained a high-level delegation from Syria's Kurdish-majority Northern and Eastern Authority met wih a Russian delegation at Hammim military base in Syria, Asharq al-Awsat reported.

Ilham Ahmed, the head of the executive council of Syrian Democratic Council, Mustafa Mashayekh, a member of the Patriotic Congress of Syrian Kurds, Ahmed Suleiman, a member of the Kurdish Democratic Progress Party of Syria, Senhrib Barsum, the head of Syrian Suryani Alliance party, and some Arab members of the Syrian Authority of North and East, spoke to the Russian delegation at the base about the future of the region, the fate of the Syrisn Democratic Forces (SDF).
Based on recieved information, the Kurdish delegation announced to its Russian side in the meeting that "the current period in 2020 does not resemble the period before 2011. If the conflict continues and the central government in Syria insists on the security and military policies, all areas will be entangled in fighting, and this will be catastrophic for all."
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