Germany to continue training mission for Peshmerga: Defense Minister

<p style="text-align: left;">Germany's Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said on Friday, February 14, in a meeting with Kurdistan Regional Goverment (KRG) premier that her country would continue its military training mission for the Peshmerga forces.

KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani met with the German minister on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, during which they discussed various topics.
"Very pleased to meet Germany's Defence Minister at MSC2020. @akk and I hope to see a de-escalation in regional tensions, a closer KRG-Baghdad relationship and continuing international support against IS' threat," Barzani wrote on Twitter.
The two officials also shed light on the situation in Iraq and the wider region as well as the ways to further strengthen the relations between the Kurdistan Region and Germany, Barzani's office said in a statement, BasNews reported.
The German defense minister further hailed the stability in the Kurdistan Region, revealing plans by her country to prolong its trainings for the Peshmerga fighters.
Barzani thanked Germany for its continuous support for the Peshmerga forces as part of the US-led coalition to fight the Islamic State (IS).
He also reminded that the IS group still poses a serious threat to the whole world.
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