KRG says pipeline to Iran is not for crude oil

<p style="text-align: left;">The Kurdistan Regional Government&amp;rsquo;s (KRG) Ministry of Finance and Economy said on Saturday, April 4, that a fuel pipeline linking Iran and the Kurdistan Region via the Parvizkhan border crossing will be used to provide gasoline, diesel, and kerosene for residents and is not for crude oil.

&ldquo;This project has not started working yet because the measures to receive final approval have not been completed,&rdquo; it said.

According to NRT it added &ldquo;the aim of this project is to provide fuel products to the people, in consideration of the preventative measures against coronavirus and the need to protect public safety.&rdquo;

The pipeline was first reported by Iraq Oil Report, which prompted the response by the KRG.

Iran&rsquo;s oil industry is currently subject to heavy sanctions by the United States.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 97736

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