Mazloum Kobani says SDF is ready for dialogue with all parties, even Turkey

Mazloum Kobani, the commander-in-chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), has emphasized that the Syrian crisis cannot be solved through violence and war, stating that they are prepared for dialogue with all parties, including Turkey.

In a video speech released on the SDF's official website, marking the 12th anniversary of the establishment of the self-governing administration in north and east Syria, Kobani said: "The Syrian crisis cannot be resolved through violence and war. Everyone knows that we cannot achieve a solution through war and violence. We are ready to talk to all sides, even those who cause problems." 

Kobani continued: "We are ready to talk to all powers, including Turkey, and we support any effort to stop the fighting and reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis." 

He went on to add: "The SDF and the communities of north and east Syria have their own principles and rights that must be respected, and they should not be negotiated away at their expense. Any steps towards rapprochement with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should not be at the expense of the Syrian people." 

The commander-in-chief of the SDF concluded by emphasizing that the SDF has 100,000 troops and the latest military technology, and they are fully prepared to confront any attack on their territories.

News Code 159655

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