Syrian Kurds National Council delegation visits Moscow

<p style="text-align:left">A delegation from Syrian Kurds National Council visited Moscow, where the members of the delegation met Mikhael Bogdanov the Russian Foreign Minister Deputy and President Vladimir Putin's special deputy in Middle East affairs.

According to Sputnik news agency the head of the Syrian Kurdish delegation and the chief of the council's foreign relations, Kemiran Hajo, and Ibrahim Bro and Muhammad Hassaf, two leading members of the delegation, discussed with the Russian official the Syria Constitution committee, Turkey- US agreement over a safe zone in northern Syria and some other issues.
Hajo told Independent Turkey about the travel that Russian officials did not announce their stance towards the Turkish-American safe zond innorthern Syria clearly, adding that Moscow announced tge issue is question between the two sides and Russia is not going to interefer.
He further added the Russian official reiterated Moscow would support Syria integrity and "does not accept a third state interfere in the country."
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