"The most important issue for Syrian Kurdistan today is Kurdish-Kurdish unity and dialogue. All Kurds have put their hope inthese negotiations, and we as the Kurdish Patriotic Council (ENKS) are serious in n this regard as the commonalities between us for unity are more than differences," said Shalal Gaddo, also the leader of the Syrian Kurdistan Democratic Left Party and a member of the Kurdish National Council (ENKS).
He continued: "The presence of the United States in these negotiations is very important because the US will guarantee the success of the negotiations. We saw that due to the US election and the return of the observer team to the United States, the talks were halted."
"While the talks have stalled, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) has repeated its previous actions, setting fire to our offices in Syrian Kurdistan and arresting teachers, political activists and Kurdish citizens. These are behaviors that we have already agreed on them in n the negotiations that they will not be repeated, but the PYD does not adhere to the agreements."
Regarding the possibility of negotiations between the Kurds and the central government of Syria, the leader of the Syrian Kurdistan Democratic Left Party noted: "Negotiating the Kurds with the central government is not a good thing because the central government has failed in its responsibilities and the Kurds have suffered the most deprivation and oppression in the last 50 years. It has even withheld identity card from the Kurdish people."
The ENKS member went on to add: "The Kurds have been negotiating with the central government for 50 years, but they have not reached their goal as Damascus is controlled by other countries. The Kurds will not reach a conclusion in these kinds of negotiations with the central government, and it is better that no Kurdish movement should take part in negotiations with the central government."
Reporter's code: 50101

A member of the General Council of the Syrian Opposition Coalition stated the most important problem in Syrian Kurdistan is unity among parties and stressed that: "Kurdish movements should not waste their time negotiating with the Syrian central government.
News Code 643
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