About the purpose of the recent visit of US officials to Syrian Kurdistan was to meet with members of the Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS) and the Kurdish Patriotic Union Parties (PYNK), Hawal Issa, a member of the Central Committee of the Syrian Kurdistani Union Party (PYKS), said: "the US delegation that traveled to Syrian Kurdistan consisted of members of the Pentagon (Defense Ministry) and members of the National Security Council, who also met with officials in Iraqi Kurdistan, including President Nichervan Barzani and PM Masrour Barrani.
During the visit to Syrian Kurdistan, the delegation also met with the members of the Syrian Democratic Forces and the self-ruling administration and tribal leaders in northern and eastern Syria, Mr. Issa added.
He continued: "During the visit, no meetings were held with any of the Kurdish parties and only meetings were held with some Arab tribal leaders, and we do not know anything about the outcome of these meetings."
"We consider the US presence in Syrian Kurdistan as important and influential, and we hope that by putting pressure on the Democratic Union Party (PYD), it will form a real alliance with the Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS) because the other side does not believe much in the partnership and the US needs to guarantee the partnership."
The PYKS Central Committee member reminded that the PYD always disrupts the negotiations and makes false accusations against the ENKS in order to undermine the negotiation process.
Hawal Issa stated: "We have a constructive and positive view about the Kurdish-Kurdish dialogue and we are still strong and believe that with the strategy we can create Kurdish-Kurdish unity in Syrian Kurdistan."
He further pointed out: "The other side disrupts the talks and does not believe in a partnership in power, and this culture is the culture of the PKK."
Reporter's code: 50101

A member of the Central Committee of the Syrian Kurdistani Union Party (PYKS) said: "The Syrian Demonstratic Party (PYD) disrupts talks and does not believe in a partnership in power, and this culture is the same as the PKK culture.
News Code 971
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