Peshmerga needed to return to disputed regions: officials

<p style="text-align: left;">The federal government has formed a committee to resolve the issue of the disputed areas, the deputy speaker of the Council of Representatives said on Wednesday, July 3, adding that Peshmerga needed to return to the regions

Deputy Speaker Bashir Hadad said during an interview with members of the press that issues related to disputed areas would be solved in the near future, adding that work of the committee would be observed by the United Nations.

&ldquo;The stability of those areas needs the return of the Peshmerga forces and coordination with Iraqi forces,&rdquo; he said.

&ldquo;Baghdad cannot solve the issue of those areas alone,&rdquo; he continued.

The deputy speaker called on foreign forces in Iraq, including the Kurdistan Region, not to create problems for the country, saying that Iraq and the Region would not tolerate another war.

Iraqi forces alongside the Hashd al-Shaabi retook the disputed areas from Kurdish forces in October 2017 in the wake of the independence referendum.

Thousands of Kurds have left the disputed areas since then.

The Peshmerga forces have shown readiness to return in order to confront ongoing security issues there, but the Iraqi government has yet to agree to a return plan.

Reporter&rsquo;s code: 50101

News Code 36528

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