Three Turkish soldiers killed in car bombing in northeastern Syria

<p style="text-align: left;">A car bomb explosion in the Turkish-controlled region of northeast Syria killed three Turkish soldiers on Thursday, state-run Anadolu news agency said, citing a statement by Turkey's defense ministry.

The attack took place when Turkish forces were conducting a roadside security check, Anadolu said.

Four Turkish soldiers lost their lives in another car bomb attack in northeast Syria near the city of Seri Kani on January 9.

Ankara earlier blames a string of deadly car bomb attacks in the region, on the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), which Ankara views as terrorists due to its links to the Kurdistan Workers&rsquo; Party (PKK) fighters who have waged a decades-long insurgency inside Turkey.

Turkey, along with allied Syrian rebels, launched an offensive into northeast Syria targeting Kurdish forces that controlled the Kurdish region in October. The Turkish forces captured the areas between Syrian border towns of Seri Kani and Tel Abyad.

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